About Creative Portfolios
Founded by former BB Securities (Banco do Brasil) Head of Research, Paul Hollingworth, Creative Portfolios Limited is an independent unbiased specialised ideas provider, with a defined global bank stock market focus and non-financials expertise. Creative Portfolios Limited supports and meets institutional and private wealth management objectives in a post MIFID 11 world with a distinct quantamental, financial statement-based heuristics, product-service. Our commitment is to our clients and to partnership- to generate alpha. We supply deep due diligence and specialist insight.
Educated in London and Scotland, Paul has more than 25 years of experience as an analyst and 20 as Head of Research for an Investment Bank in London. As Head of Research, Paul came into constant contact with investors from around the globe where he was regarded as a sober, objective, communicator and his analysis was always rated as original and value-added. Paul frequently gives presentations at conferences, including at The Spanish Stock Exchange's annual LATIBEX forum.
Paul founded CP in 2017 primarily to specialise in global bank analysis as well as non-financials expertise and work in a spirit of partnership with investors. Paul is equally at home when he is sitting around a table exchanging ideas with investors, always keen to listen and contribute added value, as generating alpha opportunity at his desk.
Paul developed the back tested and trade marked PH Score in 2017 to identify the "winners" in value-quality trends across the global banking stock landscape. In 2019 and 2020, TIM Acuris awarded Creative Portfolios a top 10 ranking for the best investment ideas from the independent sector.
Why use us? We are specialised, value-added, and niche. We are the home of banking alpha.
✔ Partnership and Interaction with our clients is the essence of our model. We are 100% client-centric.
✔ Having analysed the data, we do not shy away from interpretation and judgement.
✔ We have sufficient moral rectitude and courage to hold convictions and discern the best opportunities moving forward in order to generate alpha.
✔ We can connect our investors to management at banks and companies in order to fortify engagement and knowledge.